Top 20 – Mary Cutrufello

Mary Cutrufello har gjort en hel del bra låtar. Jag har tyvärr aldrig sett henne live.

Bästa låtar

  1. Promise Into Darkness
  2. Fool for You
  3. Sunny Day
  4. Cold River
  5. Take ’Em As They Come
  6. She Can’t Let Go
  7. Tonight’s the Night
  8. Miss You #3
  9. Sweet Promise of Love
  10. Bring on the Night
  11. Two Hard Roads
  12. American Rain
  13. Goodnight Dark Angel
  14. Worthy Girl
  15. Out of the Fire
  16. Lonesome and the Wine
  17. Down to the River
  18. Fools and Lovers
  19. Johnson Motel
  20. Free

Bästa album

  1. Faithless World
  2. When the Night Is Through
  3. 35
  4. Songs from the 6
  5. Who to Love + When to Leave


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