Top 20 – The Bottle Rockets

The Bottle Rockets är ett bra rockband som gjort en hel del bra låtar. Jag har sett The Bottle Rockets live 1 gång.

Bästa låtar

  1. Perfect Far Away
  2. Indianapolis
  3. Gotta Get Up
  4. Kit Kat Clock
  5. 24 Hours a Day
  6. Waitin’ on a Train
  7. Welfare Music
  8. Gas Girl
  9. Idiot’s Revenge
  10. Take Me to the Bank
  11. I’ll Be Comin’ Around
  12. Nancy Sinatra
  13. Alone in Bad Company
  14. Slo Toms
  15. Wave That Flag
  16. Love Like a Truck
  17. Let Me Know
  18. Turn for the Worse
  19. Heading for the Ditch
  20. Rural Route

Bästa album

  1. 24 Hours a Day
  2. The Brooklyn Side
  3. Brand New Year
  4. The Bottle Rockets
  5. Lean Forward



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