Top 20 – U2

U2 är ett bra rockband som jag sett live 3 gånger.

Bästa låtar

  1. Sunday Bloody Sunday
  2. Pride (in the Name of Love)
  3. Desire
  4. I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking for
  5. The Electric Co.
  6. Angel of Harlem
  7. I Will Follow
  8. All I Want Is You
  9. Vertigo
  10. When Love Comes to Town
  11. With or Without You
  12. Bad
  13. One
  14. Everlasting Love
  15. Beautiful Day
  16. Where the Streets Have No Name
  17. New Year’s Day
  18. All Because of You
  19. Gloria
  20. Silver and Gold

Bästa album

  1. Rattle and Hum
  2. The Unforgettable Fire
  3. War
  4. The Joshua Tree
  5. Boy



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